Kori & Shizanee'- our Miracle Girl!

 Heartline Ranch 

 41837 Hwy 62 (Crater Lake Hwy)

 Chiloquin, OR 97624





Heartline Ranch: Tipi Village & Fine Arts

Horsey naptime...not every day is a work day!

There's ALWAYS new fencing to do!

Fun News Flash:Bob & Kori are bringing back their artistic skills to the ranch. These will be added as we go along with our progress! Look for new things coming! Go to Bob's blog here above on the 3rd tab, to see and read about what we are doing and to see some examples of our work. Also go to our new artist's website:



Heartline Ranch & Tipi Village


"Tales of the Trails: A Horse Wranglers Funny Tales"
 NOTE: When you buy Bob's book from us, shipping is free &
 it's Autographed!

Bob on Oreo 

Hi! Cowboy Bob & Kori here, to say 'Howdy' and tell a little about us. I have been working with horses for many years, using natural horsemanship methods. We have retired from the horse rides here on the ranch, and are instead concentrating on our Tipi Village of  6 tipis & 6 campsites which we rent out, and also on our own original custom Art Work. We do all our own original artwork on our ranch here.  We are down the road from Crater Lake. I am a professional high-end custom furniture artist, and Kori is a potter and painter. We both have showed in national shows and have our work internationally placed. We have some of our artwork on display in our home for sale.
    If you are interested in renting a Tipi or Camping site, call us at 541-887-9013, or go to our page here to link in to our rental companies.
       If you want to see our artwork, our artist website is www.HeartlineRanchArts.com or call: 541-887-9013 is for viewing appointments.