Once we found our ranch and began to develope it, things evolved into the ranch we have now, a 455 acre horse ranch & Tipi Village. Ask our neighbors, our ranch was a real DIY project! Talk about a 'Diamond in the Rough". We are humble but proud of all our hard work, and encourage you to watch us for our every-year continued growth and progress.

Sadly this past fall our dear little pal, Nicky passed. While we miss him so much (especially Amy misses her best friend), we were blessed with a new friend, our puppy Happy, and golden retriever. There is a 14 year age difference between our two best friends, so that can be interesting at times. But he is so sweet and loving, we are so glad to have him with us.

Our story: 

    Bob & Kori originally moved to Oregon from the mountains of Colorado. Bob had been a wrangler there, giving guided rides in Rocky Mtn National Park, and Kori had been a professional artist and a Native American Studies professor at Metro State University. Both loved to ride horses on trails, and both were artists. When we moved to Oregon, it was out of a desire to have more reasonable land, more temperate climate all to give us more and better riding for our horses. We had rescued 3 horses in Colorado, and moved them here with us (which is a story in it'self (go to Bob's blog for that story). 

About us:       Cowboy Bob & Kori Guy Crutcher

​Owners of Heartline Ranch

 Big announcement: go see our new artist's website-www.HeartlineRanchArts.com 

      ​Our ranch is now a place for our once-rescued horses and us to ride, and we have  retired from taking public rides, and enjoy the people who come to stay with us in our Tipi Village. We previously had 6 different tipis, but the TwoFourTwo wildfire burned 5 of the tipis, damaged our trails next to the Winema National Forest. We  had 2 tipis for a couple of years while we cleaned up and rebuilt after the fire. NOW in 2024, we have added back all 6 tipis, and have also added once again 6 campsites for people with their own tents.

    We have discovered that we are 'Tree

Advocates". After the TwoFourTwo fire, many people clear-cut their trees for money- selling to the lumber mills for profit. We rejected that idea! We are giving our trees a chance to thrive and recover. We have a friend who did research for the U.S.Forest Service who found a bird that was rejuvenating trees after massive fires- the Black-backed Woodpecker takes bacteria from healthy trees and inserts it into injured trees, helping them to come back. But the trees have to be UP to receive that help! So we are giving our trees time to recover, and only cutting down those that look dangerous and totally dead. This will be a long-term process. We wont live long enough to see the total results of this, but its for the future to have.

​    And NOW, almost 4 years later, quite a few of our trees have regenerated, and our campgrounds has greened up again. Our birds and wildlife are back and its changed somewhat, but beautiful once again. Our campgrounds, thankfully, looks as good or better than ever. Nature is amazing!